With the endless procession of peace talks where Israel seems to be blackmailed by violence into conceding land for peace, one has to wonder why the same path is followed when similar concessions with the Palestinians have only produced more violence.
If the Palestinians are genuinely wanting a homeland and concessions to be made, the real question to be posed is why is Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon not being asked to make these same concessions as well? Doesn't this speak of the real intent of the 'peace process'.
If the Palestinians are genuinely wanting a homeland and concessions to be made, the real question to be posed is why is Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon not being asked to make these same concessions as well? Doesn't this speak of the real intent of the 'peace process'.

: Peace Process * Gaza * Palestinians * Gaza * Jerusalem * Rockets * Olmert * small concessions * Israel + Peace * Mr Bagel Cartoons * Jewish * Mr Bagel * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger * Jew